Citizen and Community Journalism - Midterm Examination I Trixie C. Dela Cruz

 DELA CRUZ, TRIXIE C.                                                                                               BAJ 2A

Midterm Question:

1.  Differentiate citizen and community journalism

First, we identify the meaning of citizen and community journalism. Citizen journalism helps us by posting news on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites by ordinary people. Citizen journalism gives ordinary people a voice, and citizen journalism helps us see the other side of the news. Community journalism is a professional journalist focusing on certain community problems. For example, they focus on the problem in one barangay, not the whole city. The difference is that citizen journalists are focusing on the whole and different angles of the news, while community journalists are focusing more on one problem in a community.

2. Choose a uniquely local issue which you think can be resolved through community journalism, and why?

In our community, we face two major issues: garbage collection and road construction, which cause traffic and delays for commuters. Community journalists can help raise awareness about these issues and help address them to improve the community's living conditions. 

Flooding and air pollution in barangay communities are caused by improper trash segregation. These problems become worse with poor waste segregation and a lack of knowledge about waste management. Teaching appropriate disposal techniques can aid in resolving these problems.

The second problem faced in our community is the roadway construction projects, including heavy traffic, noise, and dust, which can cause accidents. Community journalists can  help by informing residents in that area about the construction, ensuring timely completion, and minimizing traffic issues.


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