Citizen and Community Journalism: Brgy. Bangkal officials on top three issues in their community

 SOLVENT users, teenage pregnancy, and proper waste management are three of the most prevailing issues circulating Brgy. Bangkal, City of Malolos, Bulacan according to its residents— subject of the initial survey, on Friday, February 2, 2024.

To look at the other side of the story, we have conducted another survey subjecting the people seated on their local government: Konsehala Elena Legencio, Brgy. Captain Nammer Bulaong, and SK Chairman Jayson Pascual anticipated our questions that were mainly about the concerns raised by the citizens of their community. All three leading problems were addressed by them as they provided plans upon how are they going to execute solutions to it. 

Comprehensive seminars in partnership with Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), sex education, multi-purpose buildings, and Alternative Learning System (ALS) for teenage mothers are some of the projects in their barangay, few steps towards materialization. 

Here is the transcript of the entire interview with three of their local officials.


                                                BY: Mark Gabriel Musni and Marvie Servande



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